Ubuntu Touch Q&A 158
Noble presented on Jingpad, more news announced by Marius




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News and Update

UBports Q&A 158 on 8 February 2025.

Alfred and AppLee presented.

Noble in Alpha presented on Jingpad

WPA3 passwords are now available in systems settings. SystemD in app launch has been modified so that unusual apps now launch. A change has been made to ofono binder plugins, linking updates to upstream.

The Lomiri name has not yet been integrated fully into the QML module. A Sailfish derived ofono clone now defaults to IMS. That fits in with adapting it for Mediatek devices (for VoLTE).  

Alfred showed 24.04 running smoothly on his Jingpad. Apps can be built as Clicks for 24.04 but will need all the libraries. The system itself is basically ready to run now and the absence of apps is really the only blockage.

OpenStore apps news

CineList is a new app by Jerin. It is an app which allows you to search for movies and keep a database of them.

The next app is UT Pass. It was available in Xenial and it’s now ported to Focal. Thanks to Quintin for this nice password management app which is still in an early stage of development.

Saliksik is an updated app which is purely for carrying out Internet searches, via Startpage. Big thanks to Kugi for that.

Weather app has been updated and is available now for Noble.

ExPhone the call blocker app has had some more tweaks. Thanks again to Josef.

Tedit has been updated by Daniel. It is a simple text editor.

Nymaea has been updated again by their team.

Marius joined the chat.

Alfred was at FOSDEM recently. He did the presentation explaining how libhybris and Mainline compare.

Sponsors were thanked.


The News section of our Forum is the best place to post questions for the Q&A. YouTube live chat, Telegram and Matrix are other places to post a question.

If you didn't know, the Forum questions get priority.

Marius announced that he has Mir2 running Lomiri on Android drivers. He now can send SMS messages and make calls on VoLTE without crashing. Finally, he has qt6 Morph running, although it does still crash. At the moment it doesn’t have QtMedia. It would’ve course be good to decouple the browser entirely from Qt at some point.

Fairphone 5

A question was raised about Fairphone 5 and Waydroid. Is anybody working on it? Nothing specific is happening, but if someone wants to take it on, it should be quite straightforward.

A moment of silence marked the dreadful events in Sweden.


Dualboot has been mentioned multiple times in the past and was raised again in relation to some Samsung phones. It is not something which we support or will ever support. It would raise a huge amount of complication and overcrowd the device. Switching would also be a nightmare. Much easier to get two phones if that is what you really want.

See you next time :-)

Ubuntu Touch Q&A 157
Youtube and Internet Archive Q&A audio file